Aдрес: 222811, Минская область,
г. Марьина Горка, ул. Ленинская, 47

понедельник – пятница

С 8:30 до 17:30
обед с 13:00 до 14:00
(прием граждан и юридических лиц согласно утвержденному графику)

Телефон: +375 (1713) 3-51-66

Факс: +375 (1713) 6-05-96

«Горячая линия»: +375 (1713) 2-04-24
(в будние дни с 8:30 до 17:30, обед с 13:00 до 14:00)

Единый справочно-информационный номер службы «одно окно »: 142

E-mail: isp@pukhovichi.gov.by
(для деловой переписки)

Социальные сети: Инстаграм


The readiness of the equipment for spring field works in the Minsk region exceeds 90%, the head of the Mechanization and Investments Department of the Agriculture and Food Supply Committee…
The national qualifying stage of the World Children's Games winners will be held April 29 - May 1 at the Ostroshitsko-Gorodoksky secondary school in the Minsk region, BelTA learned from…
The exports of BelAZ, the managing company of BelAZ holding company, rose by 86.7% in January-February 2018, BelTA learned from the Belarusian company. BelAZ produced such great results as it…
In the Minsk region, in connection with the bad weather on some sections of roads, it is planned to lower the permissible speed, BelTA learned from the UVAI of the…
Natalia Yakubitskaya was elected chairman of the Minsk Regional Council of Deputies, BelTA has learned. Today, the first session of the Ministry of Education of the 28th convocation was held.…
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