Aдрес: 222811, Минская область,
г. Марьина Горка, ул. Ленинская, 47

понедельник – пятница

С 8:30 до 17:30
обед с 13:00 до 14:00
(прием граждан и юридических лиц согласно утвержденному графику)

Телефон: +375 (1713) 3-51-66

Факс: +375 (1713) 6-05-96

«Горячая линия»: +375 (1713) 2-04-24
(в будние дни с 8:30 до 17:30, обед с 13:00 до 14:00)

Единый справочно-информационный номер службы «одно окно »: 142

E-mail: isp@pukhovichi.gov.by
(для деловой переписки)

Социальные сети: Инстаграм


Additional funds from the budget of the Minsk region will be allocated before the end of 2017 to pay off debts to contractors for the work done on the construction…
In the Minsk region, 2,714 initiative groups for the collection of signatures in support of persons proposed to nominate local councils of the 28th convocation have been registered. This was…
The Social Library for the Elderly started working in the Borisov district, BelTA learned from the Borisov district executive committee. The services of the social library can now be used…
The distance Olympiad for teachers of the Minsk region will be held from January 15 to February 15, BelTA learned from the education department of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.…
The regional stage of the republican innovation project "100 Ideas for Belarus" will be held in Nesvizh on December 18 in the format of Science Slam, BelTA learned from the…
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