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BelAZ exports up by 86.7% in January-February 2018

The exports of BelAZ, the managing company of BelAZ holding company, rose by 86.7% in January-February 2018, BelTA learned from the Belarusian company.

BelAZ produced such great results as it increased its supplies to Russia (up 65%, plus 40 vehicles) and to the CIS (up 3.5 times, plus 27 vehicles).

In January-February BelAZ products, including 174 vehicles, were exported to 19 countries. Around 97% of the industrial output was sold abroad.

The total payload capacity of the haul trucks exported in January-February 2018 grew 1.8 times from the same period a year prior. The increase is due to the growing exports of heavy-duty trucks. The share of trucks with an extremely large payload capacity in the total volume of exports reached 76%.

BelAZ is the world's top manufacturer of haul trucks with a large and extremely large payload capacity as well as other heavy transport equipment used in mining and construction. In 2017, BelAZ was ranked second among the manufacturers of haul trucks in terms of exports of heavy-duty trucks.

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