Aдрес: 222811, Минская область,
г. Марьина Горка, ул. Ленинская, 47

понедельник – пятница

С 8:30 до 17:30
обед с 13:00 до 14:00
(прием граждан и юридических лиц согласно утвержденному графику)

Телефон: +375 (1713) 3-51-66

Факс: +375 (1713) 6-05-96

«Горячая линия»: +375 (1713) 2-04-24
(в будние дни с 8:30 до 17:30, обед с 13:00 до 14:00)

Единый справочно-информационный номер службы «одно окно »: 142

E-mail: isp@pukhovichi.gov.by
(для деловой переписки)

Социальные сети: Инстаграм


The Belarusian embassy took part in the 170th General Assembly of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) in France, BelTA learned from the Belarusian diplomatic mission in Paris. The event…
More than 1,200 haulers were queuing in Belarus to cross the border with the European Union as of 8.00 on 22 October, BelTA learned from the website of the State…
The situation with the COVID-19 in Belarus is manageable and the caseloads are even lower than expected, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said answering journalists' questions during the nationwide subbotnik [voluntary…
The state has always tried its best to fulfill the country's five-year plans as complete as possible. These programs have been implemented especially fruitfully and successfully in the last ten…
The House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus ratified the Belarusian-Russian intergovernmental agreement on the mutual exchange of geospatial data between the Armed Forces of the two countries…
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