Aдрес: 222811, Минская область,
г. Марьина Горка, ул. Ленинская, 47

понедельник – пятница

С 8:30 до 17:30
обед с 13:00 до 14:00
(прием граждан и юридических лиц согласно утвержденному графику)

Телефон: +375 (1713) 3-51-66

Факс: +375 (1713) 6-05-96

«Горячая линия»: +375 (1713) 2-04-24
(в будние дни с 8:30 до 17:30, обед с 13:00 до 14:00)

Единый справочно-информационный номер службы «одно окно »: 142

E-mail: isp@pukhovichi.gov.by
(для деловой переписки)

Социальные сети: Инстаграм


The fish fair on December 8-9 will be organized in the Moscow district of Minsk

The specialized fish fair will unfold on December 8 and 9 at the site near the Brest supermarket in Minsk, BelTA learned from the main administration of the consumer market of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

Traditionally, on weekends from 9.00 to 17.00, fish farms will present for sale a wide range of pond fish (carp, silver carp, carp, crucian carp, pike, trout), as well as its processing products - smoked and dried fish, frozen semi-finished products, canned food.

The next season of fish fairs started in Minsk on November 17 - at the site near the Salyut cinema in Leninsky district. These activities have replaced the weekend agricultural fairs. Until mid-December, the fair moves through the administrative districts of the capital.

So, on December 15 and 16, enterprises will invite lovers of fish delicacies to the site along Russiyanova Street 1, next to the Palmyra shop in Pervomaysky District. And on December 22, the fish ranks will become part of the pre-Christmas fair in the Oktyabrsky district, near the recreation center of culture and sports of railway workers.

The organizer is GO "Belvodkhoz".

Прочитано 1829 раз

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