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понедельник – пятница

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E-mail: isp@pukhovichi.gov.by
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Социальные сети: Инстаграм


The Minsk region in the first quarter fulfilled key indicators of socio-economic development

The Minsk region in the first quarter fulfilled key indicators of social and economic development, said the chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Anatoly Isachenko today at a meeting of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee on the development of the capital region in January-March this year, BelTA has learned.

"In the first quarter, key indicators were fulfilled: in comparison with the same period of the previous year, the gross regional product in January-March increased by 5.8%, labor productivity by GRP - by 5.9%, exports of goods and services - by 16% , 6% and 38.2%, respectively, "Anatoly Isachenko said," But this does not in any way mean that we are all well and have no problems. "The overall figure is positive, although in the context it's not so good.There are constraints, but it is possible to solve the emerging problems: we must help each other and build the economy together. " Among the problematic issues he mentioned the low level of wages in Kopylsky, Lubansky and Volozhinsky districts, unstable work of the construction industry, reduction of the performance of the real sector of the economy, growth of unprofitable agricultural enterprises, increase in accounts receivable.

The number of unemployed in the region in the first quarter was 3,5 thousand people, which is 3,6 thousand less than in January-March last year. At the same time, the number of vacant jobs is also increasing: as of April 1, 2018, 10.7 thousand vacancies were offered in the region, which is 1.3 times more than a year ago. However, the chairman of the regional executive committee drew attention to the fact that the number of dismissed almost 1,5 thousand more than the number taken to work, and demanded to understand this issue.

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