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Tuesday, 06 November 2012

Belarus Investment Forum to present $1bn in investment projects

MINSK, 6 November (BelTA) – The 7th Belarus Investment Forum will present investment projects worth a total of $1 billion, representatives of the National Agency of Investment and Privatization of Belarus told BelTA. BelTA has been told that 23 projects will be presented at an exhibition that will take place as part of the forum. The projects are related to innovative economy (pharmaceuticals, new materials, alternative power engineering) and agriculture, food industry, and mechanical engineering. The projects will be presented before foreign investors in line with the unified guidelines developed by the National Agency of Investment and Privatization in association with the world’s top four consulting companies. The new guidelines take into account the present requirements of investors for investment offers. “We should talk the language the foreign business understands,” believes Mr Dmitry Klevzhits, Director of the National Agency of Investment and Privatization of Belarus. Investment projects will be presented by oblast administrations, the Belarusian state food industry concern Belgospishcheprom, the Agriculture and Food Ministry, the Industry Ministry, the Healthcare Ministry, the Energy Ministry, and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The largest investment project that participants of the forum will be able to get familiar with is the construction of a sugar refinery able to process 12,000 tonnes of sugar beet per day in Dyatlovo District, Grodno Oblast. The project is estimated to cost $330 million. The production of vacutainer-type vacuum systems for blood sampling in the free economic zone Gomel-Raton is one of the projects expected to return investments fast (within two years). Two more projects envisage the return of investments within three years: a trout breeding facility able to produce 200 tonnes of marketable fish in the Nesvizh-based company OAO Alba and the technology to cleanse industrial water from organic pollutants using the microbiologic specimen EM1 Konkur. The Energy Ministry will present nine projects. Those are the construction of hydropower plans in Nemnovo, Orsha, Shklov, Mogilev, and Rechitsa and four wind farms in Liozno District, Oshmiany District, Novogrudok District, and Smorgon District. Enterprises that participate in pilot privatization will have their own space at the exhibition. The National Agency of Investment and Privatization with assistance of the World Bank seeks strategic investors able to ensure future development of these enterprises. The projects to be presented at the exhibition will be submitted to the national investment projects database of the National Agency of Investment and Privatization. The exhibition will take place in the Minsk Arena complex at 9:00-21:00 on 16 November.


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