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Monday, 23 October 2023

Plans with Iran, Venezuela, future trip to Africa, focus on strategic projects in President's Week

The work schedule of the Belarus president is always full of events. Aleksandr Lukashenko holds conferences and working meetings on the most topical matters concerning the country's development, regularly visits the regions, goes on foreign trips and welcomes foreign guests, talks to reporters, signs decrees and laws. And even if there are no public events, it does not mean that the head of state does not work. It must be said that even when he relaxes, for instance, by playing ice hockey or chopping firewood, Aleksandr Lukashenko happens to find the time to give yet another instruction. All the decisions must be prompted by life, he likes to say.

The President's Week project is intended for those, who want to keep up with the head of state, be up-to-date on the latest statements and decisions of the Belarusian leader.

Key results of past week's international meetings of the president: how Belarus and Iran counteract sanctions and what is the most important thing right now; when Aleksandr Lukashenko intends to go to Equatorial Guinea; what revision of relations with Venezuela is supposed to produce and what gap should be plugged in cooperation with Russia's Republic of Mordovia.

The realization of large-scale strategic projects is also covered. Why even instructions of the head of state are not fulfilled on time, whose lies sometimes interfere with getting things done, what results Aleksandr Lukashenko expects from scientists, when this sphere will undergo a comprehensive inspection, and whether a council under the president will help establish effective work or not. These and other matters are covered by the new episode of BelTA's special project President's Week.

TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. Why are sanctions not the key problem for Belarus and Iran?

Aleksandr Lukashenko met with First Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mohammad Mokhber in Minsk on 17 October.

“I hope you will not be disappointed with your visit. There are plenty of questions. We have a lot to talk about. This is why I also hope our conversation will yield good practical results,” the head of state said welcoming the Iranian guest. “You know the situation Belarus is in. It is roughly the same situation you are in. The pressure exerted on our states is unprecedented, but you have already learned to resist it to some extent, and your experience is very important for us. What I am constantly surprised by is that during these large-scale actions Iran has not decreased the level of its development, but, on the contrary, has significantly increased it.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko paid an official visit to Iran in March 2023. Then the two presidents agreed to work out a plan of action for the foreseeable future so that trade between the two countries and cooperation in general could develop more successfully. Following the talks, Aleksandr Lukashenko and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi signed a roadmap of comprehensive cooperation between the two countries for 2023-2026.

“The most important and key thing. Based on the experience of relations with Iran, on many years of cooperation with Iran, I conclude that your bureaucrats and ours need to learn to work very fast. If we have agreed on something, it must be implemented on time. The most important thing for us is time, not sanctions and pressure. We should not lose time because of red tape,” the Belarusian leader said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that the situation in the world is aggravating, and with the crisis in the Middle East unfriendly Western countries led by the United States of America are constantly directing the spearhead of this conflict against Iran. “You can feel it better. Our answer is as follows: we must cooperate more closely with each other in order to be able to counter these attacks,” the president said.

In 2022 Belarus-Iran trade exceeded $100 million, three times up on 2021. The dynamics has been positive this year as well. In January-August 2023 the mutual trade reached $62.5 million, up 26% over the previous year. Belarusian export grows higher every year. Belarus supplies potash fertilizers, timber, pulp, and synthetic fibers to Iran. Belarus imports Iranian vegetables, fruits and nuts, vaccines, blood and blood serums.

REVISION OF COOPERATION. Is it possible to restore the volume of Belarus-Venezuela cooperation soon?

On 17 October the president also met with Minister of the People's Power for Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Yvan Gil Pinto.

“It's good that you have come to Belarus, it's very well-timed. I think we don't need to get to know each other, we don't need to find out what Belarus and Venezuela can bring to the table in bilateral cooperation. We have known each other for a long time and did a lot in the past to intensify our interaction,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The president noted that due to certain circumstances, primarily external factors, interaction between the two countries has been put on hold. “I feel that we need to have a fresh look at all areas and matters of cooperation that we identified in the times of Hugo Chavez,” said the head of state. “We definitely need to determine what we should and can do for Venezuela and what Venezuela should do for Belarus. We need to develop an appropriate plan, a roadmap for the short and medium term, and perhaps even the long term. If other states, say Cuba, need to be included in this cooperation scheme, we don't mind it. In other words, if you agree, we will be ready, the foreign minister will be ready to implement these agreements by the new year,” the president noted.

First of all, Yvan Gil Pinto conveyed best regards to Aleksandr Lukashenko from Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. The foreign minister noted that he is absolutely on the same page with the president of Belarus regarding bilateral relations - they are quite robust after more than 20 years of the upward trend. The entire range of cooperation agenda had been discussed at the meeting of the foreign ministers of Belarus and Venezuela, Yvan Gil Pinto recalled. According to him, the parties mapped out plans for the near future.

After meeting with the head of state the Venezuelan minister talked to reporters and confirmed the intention to reboot relations in economy and manufacturing sector. “We intend to do this in the near future. The first step will be, as we've announced, a regular meeting of the joint commission on trade and economic cooperation in Minsk. It is scheduled for 28-29 November. This meeting will be attended by ministers, representatives of the ministries of both countries, heads of enterprises. As part of the event we will specifically talk about the state of affairs and the areas to move forward,” Yvan Gil Pinto noted.

According to him, other topics of bilateral cooperation were also discussed during the talks. Those were the energy sector, agriculture, tourism and other areas. “We will make every effort not only to restart our bilateral relations, but to bring them to an even higher level,” the Venezuelan minister assured. “Thus, we have a very intensive fruitful work ahead of us. We are committed to advancing not only our political contacts but also our trade and economic cooperation.”

BUSINESS PLUS PERSONAL THINGS. What Belarus and Russia's Mordovia Republic can do better?

Aleksandr Lukashenko continued the practice of having regular meetings with heads of regions of the Russian Federation by negotiations with Head of Russia's Republic of Mordovia Artyom Zdunov on 19 October.

Greeting the delegation, the president noted that for the head of Mordovia this visit to the Belarusian land was much more than just a working trip: “You are coming close to the heroic history of your family. Belarus remembers well the deed Senior Sergeant Vasily Zdunov, Hero of the Soviet Union, committed during the Great Patriotic War.”

This is why the president welcomed the initiative of the head of Mordovia to establish twinning ties between Cherven District of Minsk Oblast where Artyom Zdunov's grandfather's brother fought the enemy and his homeland - Atyashevo Municipal District of Mordovia.

Today our battles continue in fields, factories, cultural and information sectors, in schools and universities - for our truth, for our development prospects, for our right to be sovereign and independent. We will have it all if we have a strong economy. This is the basis of everything,” the Belarusian leader said.

Last year the parties reached a record high trade of nearly $90 million. In January-August 2023 this figure rose significantly - the growth rate made up almost 300%, or $115.7 million. “But it is far from the limit. We have enough resources for further development in this regard,” the president is convinced.

According to him, the parties traditionally cooperate in machine-building and metallurgy, chemistry and petrochemistry, electronics, and agribusiness. Almost 15% of Belarus' needs in optic fiber are covered by imports from Mordovia.

The head of state thanked the head of Mordovia for prompt assistance in supplying railroad cars for the needs of Belaruskali and other Belarusian enterprises.

Belarusian commercial entities export a wide range of products of machine and machine-tool construction, woodworking, chemical and light industries, agricultural raw materials and foodstuffs.

At the same time Aleksandr Lukashenko pointed to an obvious gap in the relations - the absence of bilateral manufacturing cooperation projects. And the head of state drew attention of the Belarusian government to it. “Today is the most appropriate time to develop industrial cooperation, and joint import-substituting manufacturing in the first place,” he said. “More so, as I am told, Mordovia is among Russia's leaders in terms of the innovative products share in industrial output.”

Mordovia's leading innovation areas - fiber optics and pharmaceuticals - are of great interest for Belarus. The parties could cooperate in setting up joint ventures in microelectronics and radio electronics. Apart from that, Belarusian specialists would be interested in participating in the establishment of a federal biotechnological center in Mordovia.

“Considering the pandemics raging all over the world, drug safety is becoming increasingly important. This is one of the investments in the future not only of our countries, but also of the entire world,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

The possibility of cooperation in making an aircraft for regional transportation together with Russian partners has not been ruled out.

The president voiced Belarus' interest in cooperation with the company Ruzkhimmash in the development of foundry production and production of equipment for the chemical industry. The head of state also mentioned Belarus' readiness to share experience and technologies of using secondary resources, including synthetic RDF-fuel, to produce thermal energy. “The topic is not a simple one, but it is very promising,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The head of state also welcomed the initiative of Mordovia to set up a multifunctional center for the sale and technical support of Belarusian-made machinery.

“I believe it is useful to exchange our best practices in organic farming, modern agricultural technologies and processing of agricultural products, selection and breeding,” the president continued. “We can also expand cooperation in the supply of agricultural products and foodstuffs.”

On the whole, there are many interesting topics for cooperation. Including in civil engineering, housing and utilities industry, and humanitarian affairs. “The most important thing is to give our young people an opportunity to communicate,” Aleksandr Lukashenko added.

FRIENDS AT THE EQUATOR. When will the president go on another business trip to Africa?

On 19 October Aleksandr Lukashenko also met with Equatorial Guinea's Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Diaspora Simeon Oyono Esono Angue. “Fortunately, we have recently been working very closely with your country in order to develop a concrete plan of action for our relations. I will definitely visit your country in the near future. We have already scheduled this. We'll figure out the dates. But the most important thing is that we have a clear idea of how to build up trade and economic relations between our countries,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo came to Belarus on an official visit in September. During the current meeting Aleksandr Lukashenko reminded what Belarus' key proposal on advancing cooperation was: “I've already told the president of Equatorial Guinea and would like to once again emphasize that Belarus has all the technologies for advancing your country to a higher level. You are also very interested in it. I also mentioned our proposals during the visit of your president. Essentially, we are ready to not only sell the products you need to you. We are ready to transfer technologies to you and train your people how to use them. And it would be a good idea (it is the second direction) for you and us to manage to create a manufacturing base in Equatorial Guinea that will be able to work for the benefit of neighboring states at least.”

The president said he believes that the current visit of the Equatorial Guinea's minister of foreign affairs, international cooperation and diaspora will become the key stage in preparing a future meeting of the two leaders.

In turn, Simeon Oyono Esono Angue thanked Aleksandr Lukashenko for the meeting and passed on a message from the Equatorial Guinea president.

The Equatorial Guinea's minister of foreign affairs, international cooperation and diaspora arrived in Belarus at the head of a large delegation. It included ministers of agriculture, animal husbandry and land development, healthcare and social security, social and housing construction and urban planning, deputy ministers of trade, industry, and business development, culture, tourism, and crafts development, finance, and budget.

The governments of Belarus and Equatorial Guinea held the first session of the joint commission on trade and economic cooperation in Minsk on 18-19 October. The interstate procedure was completed at the same time for the framework agreement on cooperation to come into force.

Belarus views Equatorial Guinea as a gateway to West and Central Africa. The parties are considering setting up a production and logistics hub over there, which will be used, among other things, to ship Belarusian goods to neighboring countries.

FUTURE OF THE COUNTRY. How will Belarus build a system to implement strategic projects?

On 20 October the president convened a government conference to discuss the improvement of the system of planning and overseeing the implementation of strategic project. The head of state emphasized the importance of strategic projects: “This is the future of not only any system but any country in general. Strategic projects, if we talk about Belarus, are the future of our country.”

According to the head of state, the aim of the meeting is to discuss ways to improve the system of planning and overseeing the implementation of strategic projects. Everything is important in this area - from the idea to its implementation and guaranteed economic effect.

“The shock restructuring of the global political, economic and financial relations prompts every country to think beyond protective and compensatory measures. We need to calculate the strategic prospects for the development of the national economy (hence the state). We need to look to the future,” the president said.

Lying and misinformation

Aleksandr Lukashenko warned that oversight over the fulfillment of instructions will be most serious. He noted: “After we make a decision, we don't always implement it. But my biggest worry of late (I've already talked about it) is when our government starts lying and misinforming the president instead of taking care of concrete things. In order to present itself in the best light.”

Yet the president clarified that lying had not become a tradition in the country yet and such situations had been few and far between for now. “We will not hold on to the country if we look into a crooked mirror. And we will not give it new impulses whatever strategic plans we may have,” Aleksandr Lukashenko cautioned.

Examples of strategic projects

According to the president, strategic projects can be implemented across various industries. For example, mechanical engineering and agriculture will benefit from projects to scale up technological processes. “We can and we should become more sophisticated in every area. We have technologies, competences, professionals who know what to do,” noted Aleksandr Lukashenko.

The president cited the construction of Svetlogorsk Pulp and Board Mill as a case in point. Initial plans provided for building a facility to make cellulose for export. However, what happened in reality was that Belarus sold semi-finished products to other countries while importing finished goods made from them. Therefore, upon the instruction of the head of state, the Svetlogorsk company expanded its operations and started making products with a greater added value in order to sell them in Belarus and other markets.

“As far as I understand, the construction of this workshop is on the homestretch now?” Aleksandr Lukashenko asked the Gomel Oblast governor.

“It is,” Ivan Krupko confirmed.

“And no matter how difficult it might be, we will equip it with technological equipment,” the president added. “This is an example of a small strategic project that was implemented within about 1.5-2 years. We are implementing this project, scaling up what we have today. And this is the basis for our further development,” Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked.

Another area of work is the construction of production facilities from scratch. One of them was the Belarusian nuclear power plant and Belarusian National Biotechnology Corporation. The implementation of these projects began thanks to persistent urging of the president. In particular, the construction of the nuclear power plant has led to the emergence of a new industry.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “Two sites were chosen. One nuclear power plant was built. Today our ratio of consumption of electricity generated by nuclear energy to the total electricity generation is higher than that in the United States of America and even in Russia. We generate about a quarter of the total thanks to peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Today I am carefully leading you to the idea that it would be nice to have a second nuclear power plant in the country. It would be very, very profitable.”

In his words, the relevant considerations are at the initial stage. “Either we add two units to the existing nuclear power plant or build two units in Mogilev Oblast where the second appropriate site is located. And then we will get more than half of electricity from a nuclear power plant. A clean and very profitable product,” he stressed.

Setting up car production should be considered as one of the largest projects in Belarus. During the solemn ceremony to open the BelGee car factory in November 2017 Aleksandr Lukashenko mentioned that his dream of seeing a Belarusian car made in the country had come true. The rate of manufacturing localization has increased substantially since then. Output figures have gone up. Today one can say with confidence that Belarusian Geely cars are truly people's cars.

“People line up to buy Geely cars now. The cars are pleasant to look at and are quality ones. Truth be told, I am now putting pressure on [Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Piotr] Parkhomchik and [First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Nikolai] Snopkov to encourage them to continue developing. Today we have ambitious plans of making 120,000 cars per annum instead of 30,000-40,000 cars,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stated.

The president reminded that Belarus intends to start manufacturing automobiles together with the Chinese company FAW Group. The corporation's most famous brand is Hongqi cars (red banner in Chinese).

The head of state noted: “We will soon show them to the nation. We've started making a new automobile brand. You see how life has turned out: cars are in demand. And Geely is the top seller in Belarus already. Russians pray to buy these cars. People are lining up to buy them. When has it ever happened? It means that we should develop this kind of business. And we have to see prospects.”

“These are the strategic projects that will elevate the country two or three levels above where it is now. This is something new. And we need to move in this direction if we want to prove in practice that we are so smart and advanced. We need to do it and we will benefit from doing it,” said the head of state.

Comprehensive inspection and returns from scientists

The head of state pointed out that an entire network of research institutes focusing on various areas has evolved in Belarus over the course of 30 years. This is why the president reminded the government of his demand to review the number and structure of research institutes in order “to get rid of those that do not produce results”. This requirement also applies to ministerial institutes, including those in healthcare, labor and social security, sport, culture, and other areas.

Aleksandr Lukashenko also mentioned the work of the State Committee on Science and Technology and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. By the way, the academy is in for a comprehensive inspection. “The Academy of Sciences should be subjected to most serious analysis in winter. I hope to god that everything is the way the head of the academy tells us: they make everything starting with drones and ending with milk powder products that they sell to China. They make everything. We will see whether it is true. I mean electric vehicles and so on.”

Continuing the conversation about the work of Belarusian scientists, Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that their studies, analytical work, projections concerning scientific and technological advance for decades to come are certainly necessary. “But one has to admit that for some reason the real sector of the economy is not really eager to use works of the scientists in large numbers. Not all the new R&D products are assimilated by the manufacturing sector,” the president said. In his words, not very many truly breakthrough projects have been implemented in this period.

“Yes, we have built a nuclear power plant, BNBC [Belarusian National Biotechnology Corporation]. We produce the world's largest haul trucks, implement space programs, develop and test products of innovative biomedicine, which are unmatched worldwide. However, all these projects have been launched only at the president's suggestion,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

“Where are the projects born thanks to hard work, in the depths of the Academy of Sciences? Where are they?” he asked rhetorically.

“As we can see, there are some gaps. They are primarily in the planning of strategic projects, objects of high (5th and 6th) technological paradigms,” the head of state said.

“Brain trust” for strategic projects

Aleksandr Lukashenko reminded that in spring 2023 he instructed the government, the Academy of Sciences and his aide Aleksandr Kosinets to consider the possibility of creating a so-called brain trust capable of assessing and supervising large-scale projects in the country. By the way, such projects have already been earmarked.

“We need a center which will act on behalf of the president and will see what is going on in the country and make all of you implement these projects,” the head of state explained.

The government presented to the head of state a version with two main structures: a center that develops ideas and calculates their economic effect, and a council which decides on the viability and relevance of such ideas. The final decision on the largest projects is expected to be made by the head of state.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said he wanted to know how those who will be directly responsible for building a manufacturing facility will be incorporated into this chain and whether the new center is truly necessary. The president emphasized that setting up kind of a new “government” or “ministry” was out of the question. “We should keep this in mind while making these decisions,” the head of state said.

The president drew attention to the role of oblast governors in the implementation of strategic projects: “You are not outsiders, remember this: the failure of a project on your territory will mean your failure.”

Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration Maksim Yermolovich said that all problematic issues arising in the planning and implementation of the largest investment projects had been analyzed and foreign and Soviet experience in developing large-scale production facilities had been studied. He recalled that the center of large-scale projects in the USSR was the State Planning Committee of the Council of Ministers (Gosplan) which supervised the implementation of national economic plans, coordinated and financed technical and economic research by scientific and design organizations throughout the country, and implemented projects of the largest enterprises as well as the union construction projects.

Today there is no single center in Belarus to determine large-scale investment projects and capital investments. The process is decentralized and is carried out according to the proposals from central government bodies, oblast executive committees or investors. The most significant projects in the history of sovereign Belarus such as BelNPP, BNBC, BelGee, large-scale modernization of the woodworking industry were initiated by the head of state. However, despite these initial conditions the implementation of projects had to deal with insufficient interdepartmental cooperation, and the executors faced the need for repeated discussion, coordination and justification of investments.

In the end the following proposal was recognized as the basic one: the creation of the council for large-scale, strategic investment projects under the president of Belarus. It will be a powerful intellectual institution, which will be incorporated into the state administration system and will analyze and suggest such strategic projects to the president.

As far as the organization of the center for strategic projects is concerned, during the discussion it was noted that it is necessary to give an additional impulse to the Economy Ministry. The ministry has to streamline work in a way so as to make sure that the projects, which are worked out by scientists, are offered by enterprises and investors, pass the appropriate scientific and technical evaluation. Later on the Economy Ministry has to prepare substantiation for such technological projects, look at their recoupment and economic effect.

“The council will oversee the realization of these projects among other things. Including by involving all the government agencies that have the relevant competences,” the deputy head of the Belarus President Administration added.

FATHERLY CONCERNS. How does the president see the image of a responsible head of a family?

On 21 October Aleksandr Lukashenko sent Father's Day greetings to compatriots.

“This holiday emphasizes the special role of men in strengthening a traditional Belarusian family,” the president noted. “Fathers perform a wide range of responsibilities that require patience, focus, hard work and moral maturity. The head of the family is an unconditional role model for his children, who helps them grow and develop a strong moral compass, become true patriots.”

The image of a responsible father, who matures into a caring grandfather, only strengthens the connection between generations and creates a foundation for continuity of family traditions, the Belarusian leader noted.

“I am sincerely proud that there are many reliable men in our country who are devoted to their native Belarus and stand ready to defend the well-being, fair and decent life of their loved ones,” Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized. He wished everyone good health, happiness, and peace.

BelTA reported earlier that Belarusians celebrated Mother's Day one week before that. The head of state also offered his greetings to Belarusian women on that occasion. A Parents Week took place between these two dates. It was filled with various events.

NEW SEASON. How did the president's ice hockey team start a national amateur tournament?

The Belarus president's ice hockey team beat the Brest Oblast team 7:2 (3:1, 0:0, 4:1) in Olympic Arena in Minsk during the first match of the republican ice hockey league. Aleksandr Lukashenko was awarded two assist points.

Traditionally the spectators saw performances of Belarusian pop singers in intermissions during the hockey match. The most active fans took part in contests right there on the ice, the winners of which won prizes from the Presidential Sports Club. Other fans got some gifts, too: right after the final siren they received dozens of toys from players of the president's team. Young players of Dynamo Moscow, who play in the international tournament in Minsk, presented Aleksandr Lukashenko with a jersey of their famous club.

The president's team is a 14-time winner of the national amateur ice hockey tournament while hockey players from Gomel Oblast and Minsk Oblast have one title each. The organizers of the amateur ice hockey tournament are the Presidential Sports Club, the Sports and Tourism Ministry, and the Minsk City Executive Committee.

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