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Thursday, 27 July 2023

Senator: Lukashenko, Putin analyze military situation around Union State

During the recent meeting the presidents of Belarus and Russia, Aleksandr Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin, exchanged views on key military developments around the Union State, member of the Council of the Republic Feliks Yashkov was quoted as saying by the press service of the upper house of Belarusian Parliament, BelTA has learned.

"This is, without exaggeration, a strategic milestone in a series of foreign political events. It is for a reason that the meeting was held at the impregnable hero city and the city defender with a glorious past, the sea outpost of the Union State in the western direction," Feliks Yashkov said.

Despite the growing threats from NATO, the general tone of the negotiations was calm and confident, the senator noted. "This confirms that the fraternal peoples are under reliable protection, the heads of state control the situation. This means that we can safely make plans for further development of integration. Therefore, it is logical that economy was one of the major items on the agenda as it creates a solid foundation for improving the prosperity of people and buttressing the power of our states," he stressed.

"In his opening remarks, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko touched upon many topics, the most pressing issues of the Belarusian-Russian relations and the world agenda, including the special military operation in Ukraine. The heads of state discussed NATO's military activity in Poland, the tense social and political situation in Western Ukraine.”

The meeting showed that the Belarusian and Russian leaders have similar opinions on the events unfolding in the neighboring country, and the current situation, both strategically and tactically,” member of the Council of the Republic Aleksei Neverov added. “I consider the topic of economic development of Belarus and Russia to be no less important. In this important, one might say, crucial period in our common history, we need to advance cooperation, promote economic and cultural ties. So far, we can state that the economies of both countries have weathered the sanctions storm and are back on growth track. A lot of joint projects have been launched, trade picks up steam from year to year. But the main thing is the great progress that we have made in the development of the Union State. We have reached the necessary agreements in almost all areas of integration.

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