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Monday, 04 May 2015

Andrei Kobyakov visited Slutsk Flax Plant

As reported, in April 2014 the plant was visitied by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko

Prime Minister of Belarus Andrei Kobyakov in the near future, expect a major impact of flax processing industry. He stated this on May 2 reporters after a working trip to Slutsk District and visit JSC \"Slutsky flax.\"

According to the Prime Minister, given the political importance of flax, which is depicted on the coat of arms of Belarus from the flax industry is necessary to obtain a significant economic effect. \"I think we are close to that, anyway, (achieve this task. - Note BelTA) in the shortest period of time\", - he said.

Andrei Kobyakov noted that the decisions on modernization and reconstruction of the flax plant has brought positive economic effect. The quality of supplied raw materials to the Orsha Linen Mill, many products lnopererabotki demand both in the near and far abroad.

When visiting the flax plant prime minister primarily interested in the question of how isolation is provided a technological chain, from cultivation of flax, the subsequent processing in the flax plant and delivery of the final product in the form of flax fiber at the Orsha Linen Mill. As reported by management, raw zone sufficient to provide a year-round capacity utilization and all seeding performed efficiently and in compliance with agro-technical terms. In the future, we can expect the modernized facilities and high-quality products. \"Create a complete technological complex, which will bring our linen industry to the level it deserves. In conjunction with the reconstruction of the production capacity of Orsha Linen Mill is giving a serious economic effect,\" - stated Andrei Kobyakov.

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