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Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Info Centre for Atomic Energy will be officially opened on April 22 in Minsk

The official opening of the Minsk Information Center for Nuclear Energy on 22 April, during the VII International Exhibition and Conference \"ATOMEXPO Belarus in 2015\", BelTA learned from the press service of the Ministry of Energy of Belarus. & Nbsp;

Memorandum on the establishment of the center in Minsk signed last summer in Moscow the previous Education Minister of Belarus Sergei Maskevich and the head of \"Rosatom\" Sergey Kiriyenko during the VI International Forum \"Atomexpo 2014\". Technical opening of the facility in the Republican center of innovation and technical creativity was held in late November 2014.

Information Centre of Atomic Energy - is a versatile communication platform whose mission to inform the public about the use of peaceful nuclear energy. The centers are opened under the auspices of the State Corporation \"Rosatom\" in the regional capitals, where to build or operate nuclear facilities. Each data center is a modern multimedia theater that combines a panoramic 3D-projection, computer graphics and animation, stereo sound, interactive consoles and personal monitors. Thanks to the technology used creates the effect of \"immersion\" in the virtual reality viewer. All sessions and events are free to the public.

The program is designed as a session students from 8 years and at an adult audience. In addition to the main program will also be available on astronomy, science and international studies in Russian and English. & Nbsp;

The main objective of the center is to promote public awareness on issues of radiation safety, nuclear energy, nuclear popularize science and technology among students, career guidance to students technical specialties, the promotion of nuclear technology and education in the field of nuclear energy. & Nbsp;

The opening of the first center of Atomic Energy at the initiative of the State Corporation \"Rosatom\" took place in Tomsk (Russia) in November 2008. From that time on the territory of the Russian Federation created 17 such facilities, including in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Smolensk. In 2012, overseas information centers were opened in Hanoi (Vietnam), Mersin, Buyukedzheli (Turkey) in 2013 - in Dhaka (Bangladesh).

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