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Monday, 12 May 2014

Individual development concept will be developed for each satellite city in Minsk Oblast

This was reported by deputy head of the architectural, scientific and innovation policy of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction Tatiana Pyko

\"Each satellite town acquire individual look for each of these cities will be developed its own concept of development. This is provided for by the decree № 214 \"On the development of satellite towns \"which the President signed on May 7,\" - said the deputy head.

According to her, the concept of satellite cities will include the main directions of socio-economic development of the region where the city is located, that is, these areas will establish regional executive committees. \"For example, if Zaslavl - is a historic city, then most likely, his concept of development will focus on tourism. Dzerzhinsk is an industrial city, which means that its development will be directed to the sphere of industry,\" - explained Tatiana Pyko. In this decree number 214 found that for satellite towns will develop a single transport connection with the Minsk regional center, as well as a unified system of socio-economic and industrial development.

Ministry spokesman also said that the decree is designed primarily for the implementation of the main directions of the state urban policy, one of which is the development of satellite towns.\" We\'ve been going to this document, but finally signed a decree , and it is a pleasant event for Architecture and Construction Ministry, which experts are the developers of the document, and for local authorities, which will implement this decree,\" - she said.

This document is aimed at socio-economic development of urban and suburban areas of the city of Minsk and regional centers. It is connected with the development of residential areas, the location of production , social and cultural facilities.\" The development of satellite towns is necessary in order to relieve a little city of Minsk and regional centers , on the other hand, to give a different status such cities as Dzerzhinsk, Zaslavl, Smolevichy, Logoysk, Rudensk, Fanipol, Skidel and Jabinka\" - she said.

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