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Friday, 19 October 2012

Artists from five countries to partake in Nesvizh palace charity ball

MINSK, 19 October (BelTA) – Over 170 artists and 15 artist teams from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, and Ireland will take part in the first charity palace ball that will take place in the town of Nesvizh, the cultural capital of Belarus, on 10 November. The information was released by First Deputy Culture Minister of Belarus Mr Vladimir Karachevsky on 19 October, BelTA has learned. Famous people of culture and art — soloists of the grand theaters of Belarus and Russia — will take part in the event. A performance by instrumental music and dancing bands is part of the program. The symphonic orchestra of the Belarusian State Academic Musical Theater will perform as well as the honored amateur folk music collective Nerush, the medieval street theater DiGriza, the music band Tuteyshaya Shlyakhta, the historic dance studio Versal, the quartet Astoria, the musical house Klassika, the ancient dance school Zolotoy Dvor, the Nesvizh theater named after Urshulya Radziwill, a popular Russian band Kvatro, and the German cover group Sculer Cover Band (Berlin). Among the guests of honor are People’s Artist of Belarus Mr Alexander Yefremov and People’s Artist of Russia Mr Stanislav Govorukhin, People’s Artist of Belarus Mr Viktor Manayev, People’s Artist of Belarus Mr Dmitry Kharatyan, world-renowned ballet dancers – People’s Artist of Belarus Ms Olga Gaiko and Honored Artist of Russia Ms Anastasia Volochkova, who will bring a ballet of her own to Nesvizh. The guests of the ball, who will walk the red carpet, will be greeted by hosts Ms Alina Kravtsova (Belarus) and Mr Marat Basharov (Russia) as well as Miss Belarus 2008 Olga Khizhinkova and Miss World 2003 Rosanna Davidson. First Deputy Culture Minister of Belarus Vladimir Karachevsky reminded that balls have been held in Belarus since the 17th century in palaces and country estates. They were a kind of an indicator of the cultural life activity. The scenarios the balls followed varied with times. The ball dance card that included waltz, polonaise, and French quadrille was mandatory. Performances were staged, famous musicians from Italy, France, and Germany were invited. The balls organized in Nesvizh by King Stanislaw Radziwill were particularly famous. According to the Belarusian First Deputy Culture Minister, the tradition of arranging ancient balls is being gradually revived in Belarus. For three years already the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of Belarus has been arranging a grand New Year ball, which is becoming more and more popular. In the former residence of the Radziwills family the past and the present will be reunited. As if on a trip back in time, the guests will feel the scale and the luxury of an ancient gentry ball. Bright torches, horseback knights, a red carpet and champagne wine will welcome the long-awaited guests of the Nesvizh Palace. Specifically for them an auction to raise funds to restore the Novogrudok Castle, a 16th century specimen of the historical and cultural legacy in Grodno Oblast, will be arranged. The spacious halls of the Nesvizh Palace will be filled with various dancing, musical, theater and period performances. On that night only the ball participants will be entertained to ball games, themed salons, various programs and treats to match even the most exquisite of tastes. Music by the king of waltzes Johann Straus will be performed throughout the evening. Dishes cooked by a famous Italian chef using recipes of the past centuries will be available in the courtyard of the palace for VIP guests. Ms Natalia Zherko, Deputy Director of the National Historical and Cultural Museum Nesvizh, said that representatives of the Radziwills family will be guests at the event. They will get familiar with the palace they have not seen after its restoration and the official opening ceremony and after that they might take part in the ball. The charity ball is organized by OOO Berin Art Management in association with the National Historical and Cultural Museum Nesvizh and with assistance of the Belarusian Culture Ministry and the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee. The palace ball in Nesvizh is expected to be held annually. The event is organized only using donations of sponsors and art patrons.


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