Address: 222811, Minsk oblast,
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monday - friday

8.30 am - 1:00 pm
2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
(reception of citizens and legal entities - from 8.00)

Phone: +375 (1713) 3-51-66

Fax: +375 (1713) 6-05-96

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Monday, 07 June 2021

N. Kochanova: we need to tell people more about the work carried out in the region

It is necessary to inform people more about the work carried out in the field, about the problems being solved.

Then there will be fewer questions from the population and speculation. This was stated today by the chairman of the Council of the Republic Natalya Kochanova at an extended meeting of the Presidium of the Council of the Republic on the topic "On the effectiveness and results of the work of Minsk regional executive committee, Minsk regional Council of deputies with appeals from citizens and legal entities in 2020 and for five months of 2021," BELTA correspondent reports. 


Opening the meeting, Natalya Kochanova explained that the Minsk region was chosen for the reason that it is the largest in the capital region and has its own specifics due to its proximity to Minsk. The day before, she herself and other senators held visiting receptions in various village councils and made sure that about 70% of incoming questions can and should be resolved by local authorities. At the same time, she liked the reception because people came, including with suggestions, ideas. For example, I was pleased with the work of the association of fathers, who also work with children brought up in single-parent families (mothers). It makes sense to think about creating a public association.

"At the head of everything is a person. You need to be able to work with people, be able to listen and hear a person, his needs. The success of any manager at any level, including enterprises, depends on this," the head of the Council of the Republic emphasized. working with citizens' appeals at the local level, the attitude of people to the authorities in general depends."

In order to ensure such efficiency, senators, and deputies of the House of Representatives, and the regional Council of Deputies, and heads of enterprises are invited to the meeting. And Natalya Kochanova asked them to share proposals on amendments to the law "On Citizens' Appeals" and other initiatives. And they sounded.

For example, to solve the problem of drinking water quality in small villages, it is not advisable to install iron removal stations. But there are already developments of installations that are built into wells. It remains to be certified. "Of course, if this helps to solve the problem, it is our honor to help the developers implement this in production and life," said Natalya Kochanova.


In general, she adheres to the point of view that even more initiatives should come from the deputies who are closest to the people. "The role of the deputy corps can be more significant in working with citizens' appeals," she said.

In total, last year, the Minsk regional executive committee received 5146 applications from citizens (17% more than in 2019) and 7119 - legal entities (4% more). A significant increase in appeals to the Department of Economy (by 20%) is due to the entry into force of Decree No. 143 "On supporting the economy". Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs asked for benefits in the payment of real estate tax and land tax.

In general, most of last year's appeals to the regional executive committee concerned issues of land management and land use (2885), architecture and construction (1272), housing and communal services (387), agriculture (186). Most often, problems in the housing sector were raised in the appeals of residents of Borovlyany, Machulishchi, Kolodischi, Novy Dvor village councils and Zaslavl.

The number of repeated complaints has decreased (48, a decrease of 20% by 2019). Their main topics are architecture and construction, consumer protection, land management and land use, the activities of garden associations, etc. By the way, the surge in addresses on the topic of architecture and construction is due to the public discussion of the general plan of the agricultural town of Kolodischi. Also, residents of the Borovlyany village council sent appeals on the issue of compliance with the general plan of the village of Borovlyany for the construction of a kindergarten - a secondary school there.

At the same time, there have been fewer applications regarding the construction of children's educational institutions. Because in 2020, a school for 1020 places was commissioned in the village of Kopische and 8 new kindergartens. Several more facilities are under construction.

"We can say that there is a tendency to the growth of electronic applications. In writing, they are probably sent by those who do not have access to the network or do not use the Internet," added the chairman of the Minsk regional executive committee Vladimir Yurgevich.

He also showed the updated premises of the "One Window" service, where a barrier-free environment, ease of filing applications, waiting times, formation of an electronic queue, etc. are provided. According to him, most of the requests to the service are related to obtaining data and documents during the construction of housing, and other issues of life support. There are many appeals regarding the use of family capital funds.

In addition, in 2020, the district executive committee received 1,631 appeals from higher bodies (19% more than in 2019), which is due to an untimely response to people's problems, the adoption of local decisions on systemic issues.

Over the five months of this year, the district executive committee received 497 written appeals (a decrease of 21% compared to the same period last year), 987 electronic (an increase of 31%), from higher organizations - 622 (minus 9%), repeated - 12 (minus 47%).

Natalya Kochanova does not consider the fact that citizens' appeals do not stop, despite the well-organized work with them, as some kind of failure in the system. “This is life. People have addressed and will continue to address various issues to representatives of government bodies, heads of organizations, it is impossible to avoid this,” she is convinced. “Our task is to resolve incoming issues quickly and efficiently on the ground. And we can improve the forms of working with people.”

The head of the Council of the Republic believes that a lot has already been done for a comfortable life for people, but this is not always noticed. "We need to work very clearly with people, explain, inform more about what is being done in their area, city to restore order, overhaul or current repairs of the housing stock, on the functioning of the health care system, education. When a person is informed, he has fewer questions and fewer speculation on this," she said.

Such visiting sessions of the Presidium will continue.

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