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Friday, 17 June 2016

Virtual exhibition on the history of Nesvizh Castle will go to the schools and universities of Belarus

The Presidential Library of Belarus took place the presentation of the virtual exhibition \"Nesvizh Castle in time and history\"

The Presidential Library of Belarus took place the presentation of the virtual exhibition \"Nesvizh Castle in time and history\", BelTA has learned.

Head of Sector Research and exposition of the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve \"Nesvizh\" Andrew Blinets acquainted the guests with the history of the construction activities of the Nesvizh Castle, with its times of prosperity and desolation. Visitors to presentation could go back 100 years and see the halls and rooms of the Nesvizh Palace at its last owners of the Radziwill family, learn interesting facts about the history of the famous Belarusian magnate family, whose descendants live all over the world.

Deputy Director for Science \"Nesvizh\" Museum-Reserve Dmitry Jackiewicz said that last year this place was visited by more than 400 thousand. Man. Work with tourists, guided tours, conferences and exhibitions prepare special attention. In this exhibition are not only on the basis of the Museum-Reserve. Mobile virtual exhibition, shown on June 16 will go on a tour of schools and universities.

Presidential Library also presented photos used to create a virtual exhibition and a unique old books from the collection \"Bіblіyateka Nyasvіzhskay ardynatsyі Radzіvіlaў\". The oldest publication of this collection - \"A Brief German Grammar, in favor of the Russian youth\" M.I.Agentova, published in Russian in the print shop of the Moscow University in 1762, \"The Maid of Orleans\" Voltaire in French (Basel, 1791), works Horace in Latin (Leipzig, 1800) and Friedrich Klopstock in German (Leipzig, 1800).

As noted by the deputy director for scientific work of the Presidential Library of Belarus Alla Penda, in February this year between the library and the Museum-Reserve \"Nesvizh\" concluded a cooperation agreement. He was transferred to 126 digitized books, which were previously in the library of the castle Nesvizh ordination of the Radziwill family. \"Return values in the castle library - the question is rather complicated Presidential Library has the ability to pass them if not a real newspaper, but at least their digitized copies on the territory of Belarus there were more than 300 castles and palaces, but after the war many were destroyed, respectively, and.. castle library were either destroyed or removed Return castle libraries -. it is one of the objectives of our cooperation \", - underlined she Alla Pend. She said that the library staff picked Lyakhovichi literature castle. Soon there also digitized publications will be passed that will be included in the museum expositions.

Alla Pend hoped that the Library of Belarus, and possibly foreign support such initiatives and will pass castle library of electronic copies of old books.

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