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Thursday, 25 February 2016

Minsk Oblast students won 9 awards at Moscow conference \"Potential\"

The conference was attended by more than 200 students in grades 9-11 from schools in Moscow, Moscow Oblast and other Russian regions and CIS countries

Students of educational institutions of Minsk region have successfully performed at the jubilee 25 th public school natural-science conference \"Potential\" in Moscow (Russia), won 9 awards, BelTA learned from the Minsk Regional Institute of Education Development.

The event took place on the basis of the Lyceum №1502 at the Moscow Energy Institute (MEI). The conference was attended by more than 200 students in grades 9-11 from schools in Moscow, Moscow region and other Russian regions and CIS countries. They presented their projects, actively working in the scientific sections, attended lectures, master-classes in physics and chemistry, took part in the discussion club, team competitions on ecology, mathematics and chemistry. Students of the Minsk region in competitive projects evaluated fertility and the ecological state of the soil, studied the causes of forest fires, have carried out a laboratory synthesis of raspberry ketone, created a model of a Stirling engine, investigated piecewise linear functions and sound ionophone.

The largest contribution to the successful performance of his team made the representatives of Nesvizh. They won five awards. Diploma of the 1st degree was awarded student of the 11th grade school №1 Julia Kopytko for the project \"The initial assessment of fertility and the ecological status of certain types of soils of Nesvizh district.\" The winner was also recognized as the project \"thoughtlessly left a glass bottle with a liquid - the initiator of the forest fire\" a student 11 Class Anton Apanovich Nesvizh gymnasium. Diploma 2nd degree took home his compatriot, student of 10th grade school №4 Tishevich Xenia, whose work has been devoted to some piecewise linear functions. The winner of diploma 3rd degree steel odinnadtsatiklassnitsy Jan Yevstrat (school №1 Nesvizh) and Anastasia Verstakovskaya (Nesvizhskaya gymnasium). The same result achieved Eugene Zabrotsky (10th gymnasium №3 Salihorsk class) and Anastasia Kovalevskaya (11th grade Vileika №2 gymnasium).

Promotional conference received a diploma Alexander Klyutsuk (10th grade gymnasium № 1 of Soligorsk) for his work in mathematics and Anastasia Kaloshina and Jadwiga Nevdakh (11th class of the Minsk State Regional Lyceum) for his work in chemistry. Projects of students admitted to natural science conference \"Potential\" at the conclusion of the expert committee. The major goal of the event is to attract talented students to scientific and research activities in the field of natural sciences and to support their research. The annual conference also allows children to expand ties in the scientific community at the international level.

Scientific and methodological support of the conference carried MEI and Moscow State University. University.

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