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Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Residents of Minsk Oblast in the pre-New Year period, united by the idea of charity

A set of activities in the capital region is provided, the Republican charity action «Our Children»

With the approach of the Christmas holidays charity theme comes to the fore in the activities and events that are held in the Minsk region, BelTA has learned.

A set of activities in the capital region is provided, the Republican charity action \"Our Children\". However, the initiative is to help children on the eve of Christmas and New Year holidays are increasingly coming directly from enterprises and organizations.

For example, in the Orthodox churches Borisov (in the Resurrection Cathedral, Church of the Nativity of Christ, the church of Dmitry Donskoy (village ovens) will host a charity event \"Christmas tree desires.\" Parishioners can help children from poor families, buying them gifts for the holidays. During the action Participants Orthodox brotherhoods and volunteers will find such a family where the parents are not able to give your child what he would be pleased to receive at Christmas, and give only the most necessary. Volunteers are asked parents to children along with them wrote letters to Santa Claus with wish gift with an approximate price of which shall not exceed Br250 thousand. Then the organizers systematise the letters, to make them beautiful envelopes and place on fur-trees in the temples until 20 December. The priests after the service will announce the action, to disclose its meaning and encourage people to participate. Those who wish can take off envelope with a Christmas tree, buy a gift and bring it into the house. Volunteers razvezut gifts for families, orphanages, children\'s homes.

On regional charitable holiday \"New Year\'s Opening Day,\" which will be held in the Palace of Culture named after Gorky (Borisov) on December 29 will be invited to more than 900 children aged 8 to 16 years. Among them are winners of Olympiads, regional competitions, as well as orphans and children from large and poor, adoptive, foster families, children who grow up in institutions. A novelty will be a holiday honoring the best students in the capital region. It will invite one representative of each of the regions and the city of Zhodino. The program of regional charitable holiday starts on street entertainment venues. Pageant in the Palace of Culture will be put on the fairy tale \"The Nutcracker.\" Christmas gifts for children presented by the Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Semyon Shapiro.

The Minsk regional center of folk art (MOTSNT) said that clubs in the region planned a large number of charitable activities. Each aims to help children in difficult circumstances, children from single-parent, low-income families, children in residential institutions, etc. So, December 25, in cultural institutions Krupsk district starts a charity marathon \"Christmas Express\". On December 26 Myadel townhouse cultural district planned charity event for talented children and children with disabilities who have completed a theatrical performance. Also on December 26 Pukhovichi regional center of culture will host a charity Christmas fairy tale for children with disabilities \"The Adventure of the magic suitcase.\" In the city youth center of Slutsk December 29, scheduled a charity theatrical performance for children \"takes us a fairy tale in the New Year.\" The same day, Stolbtsy district culture center will hold a charity matinee for children from families with many children \"Tsudoўnay kazkі dance\". In MOTSNT stressed that similar events will be held all over the place, besides the club will hold their offices in the districts and for adolescents and the elderly. In particular, these are planned in Nesvizh, Pukhovichi areas.

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