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Friday, 04 December 2015

EU and UNDP will spend $ 18.000 for the festival of youth subcultures in Vileika

The initiator of the festival was the public association for the sustainable development of Vileika region \"ZOViK\"

Thanks to the victory in the competition of local initiatives EU/UNDP project \"Support to local development in the Republic of Belarus\" in Vileika summer 2016 will be financed large-scale festival of youth subcultures \"Energy of Youth\". BelTA learned from deputy director GU \"Vileika Palace of Culture\" Olga Shlyapo, which was directly involved in the competition.

The initiator of the festival was the public association for the sustainable development of the region Vileika \"ZOViK.\" Winner of the EU / UNDP brought Vileika grant of $ 18.000. In the organization of the event.

\"The key idea of ​​the festival is to promote a healthy lifestyle, combining talented young people, presenting it in a modern high-capacity sports and entertainment area open to creative experimentation,\" - said Olga Shlyapo. She believes that such a festival format will unite young people and draw public attention to the new modern types of sports hobbies.

It is planned that the main venue of the festival of youth subcultures become a city park Vileika. In preparation for the event, the sports and entertainment area will undergo comprehensive modernization. As told Olga Shlyapo, there will be equipment for skateboarding, street workout, parkour. She also said that the program of the festival of youth subcultures apart from sports will be music and dance trends. In addition, one of the knights\' clubs make a historical reconstruction.

The organizers of the upcoming events are sure that the number of applications from the bikers, b-boys, graffiti artists, rockers, skaters, rappers, skateboarders, tracers, street theater actors will be sufficient for the formation of the teams.

The festival of youth subcultures in Vileika held in late June 2016. Help in organizing it will have local authorities, educational institutions and cultural institutions, foundations and civil society initiatives.

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