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Friday, 20 November 2015

More than 30 diplomas are awarded to the winners and the winners of youth competitions in Minsk region

November 19 at the Museum of the Great Patriotic War was held a solemn ceremony of summarizing the Minsk regional competition of projects in the sphere of realization of the state youth policy, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory and the Year of Youth in Belarus, the regional stage of the Republican contest to determine the youth of the capital, as well as a third labor semester . Diplomas of winners and winners awarded with more than 30 participants of the ceremony in different categories, BelTA has learned.

Congratulate active and proactive young people brought together representatives of the Minsk regional executive committee, Minsk Regional Council of Deputies, the Ministry of Education, bodies of internal affairs, parliamentarians, members of veterans\' organizations. Greeted the authors of the best implemented projects and ideas addressed Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Council of Deputies Ivan Lipnitsky, a member of the National Assembly, Chairman of the Board for Enterprise Development at the Minsk regional executive committee Sergey Novitsky, Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Minsk City Executive Committee Alexander Astrejka and other guests.

The head of the main department of ideological work, Culture and Youth Affairs of Minsk City Executive Committee Ruslan Truhan said that prior to the Year of Youth and after the support of young people is one of the priorities of state policy, and the efforts of the authorities different levels will be focused on the realization of these goals.

Launched a ceremony awarding the winners of the regional stage of the republican contest \"Youth Capital of the Republic of Belarus\". As previously reported, the first place it occupied the city of Molodechno, the second - Borisov, the third - Zhodino.

During the summer months as part of student teams in the Minsk region have been involved over 8.5 thous. boys and girls. In the metropolitan area was the regional stage of the republican contest \"Labor semester of 2015,\" the results of which were chosen the best studotryady staffs and labor cases. Among the winners in various categories were representatives Nesvizh, Uzda areas Zhodino and Slutsk. Thanks Minoblispolkoma declared headquarters Labour Affairs of the Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University and the Belarusian National Technical University.

The diplomas of laureates and winners of the regional competition in the sphere of realization of the state youth policy were presented in such categories as \" Patriotic education \",\" Youth Self-Government \",\" Prevention of crime among young people \",\" Development of creative potential of young people \",\" Support for young families \",\" Promoting Healthy Lifestyles \",\" Social Protection of Youth \",\" support entrepreneurial initiatives of young people. \" The composition of the awardees was very broad. They are Borisov, Vileika, Dzerzhinsk, Zhodino, Kleck, Molodechno Nesvizh, Slutsk, Old Road and other cities.

Talking to the journalists, members of the National Assembly, Chairman of the Board Enterprise Development at Minsk Regional Executive Committee Sergei Novitsky noted that young enterprising people make a significant contribution to the development of the country. \"Young people - this is the reserve, which holds the future of the country. They are able to exercise their entrepreneurial initiative to create their own business, which will work not only on their personal benefit, but for the good of the country, - says Sergey Novitsky. - A lot of projects in the Minsk region, in particular start-ups, projects in the IT field who are developing dynamically. Most popular is the game World of Tanks, the app Viber and others. The main task - to show young people that they are responsible for their own future: you yourself take the initiative and develop. \" According to the senator, investors have already started cooperation with young people, this work is conducted on a daily basis. \"Today there are business angels, which grew out of businessmen who support it startups looking for projects that can yield real results and fund them,\" - he added.

In During the ceremony was also awarded a number of certificates and diplomas of Minsk Regional Executive Committee and the Regional Council of Deputies. In particular, for significant contribution to the development of the volunteer movement in the capital region, the organization of more than 15 charity marathons in support of seriously ill children a diploma of Minsk Regional Executive Committee he was awarded the Belarusian singer-songwriter Peter Elfimov.

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